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Year: 2023

Credentials: Fire survivor and symbol of resilience

Death: 2023

Induction Ceremony Year: 2024






Angel, the Longhorn female cow, survived the Sonoma Tubbs (USA) wildfire in October 2017 by digging herself a hole and hunkering down in her paddock. Tragically it was the same fire that claimed the life of her owner, Valerie, who went back into the family home to try to save their dog; neither made it out. After the fire and among the ash covered property, there stood Angel, as white as could be, unscathed while most of the fencing around her had burned. She became a sign of resiliency as she inspired hope for many years among the community and disaster affected areas.

Immediately after the disaster, strangers came together bringing her food and water until the local restrictions were lifted and people were allowed back into the area. With some much needed help, Angel was moved to a small ranch where she was temporarily boarded causing people to panic when they couldn’t find her, fearing she had perished in the blaze. Everything on the property was destroyed and many asked what happened to "the bull," assuming Angel was a male due to her beautiful horns.

Upon learning more about her survival and the terrible loss of Valerie and the dog a Facebook Group was created in order to try and ask for help to bring Angel home. Little did the organisers realize that little bit of help would keep going and going. It brought Angel back home and during the clean-up, showed the community that even the most challenging times can be survived by taking things one day at a time.

Angel became a symbol of hope and endurance. From surviving the fire, the struggles of having to be away from home, the challenges to get back, and then watching the rebuild while greeting passers-by, it became a story that many identified with having been through similar tragedies.

Angel was about 20 years old when she sadly passed away on April 12th, 2023. She was "A sign of hope for a better tomorrow, no matter what."

(All Photographs: Copyright: Marlene Ortiz Smith)

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