We are looking forward to meeting all the heroic and inspiration animals you nominate.
To be considered for inclusion in the Animal HEROES Hall of Fame™ their story must depict an event involving an animal demonstrating that the animal overcame or is overcoming adversity and/or helped save the life of another animal or human.
Heroic action
Saving the life of another animal or human
Giving back
Having overcome adversity the animal goes on to help others in need. For example becoming a therapy or service animal.
An animal that inspires others to overcome or deal with their issues...such as illness or deformity
They can also raise awareness for causes and promote animal welfare
Countries accepted
The animals nominated can live anywhere in the world. We will need proof of their heroic actions via social media, website or press coverage.
Honorary mentions
If we feel an animal deserves a mention but is not eligible for full induction they will receive an honorary mention from us
Please fill in the nomination form and send to us. It doesn't have to be a dog or cat, any animal is welcome.
Please obtain the owner's permission to nominate their animal or at least provide contact details for us to reach them.
Once all the submissions are received they will be evaluated, nine will be chosen to go before the selection committee and contacted for approval to move to the final stage, the details will be sent to the committee who will vote. The committee's decision is final. The winners will be notified and the induction process started.
Any problems with the form please contact us.