Year: 2021
Credentials: Still caged after 36 years in Thailand's 'hell' zoo, Buanoi represents all the animals that need to be freed
Induction Ceremony Year: 2023
Photo Credit: Stephanie Lefebvre

Buanoi is the only gorilla in Thailand. She was trafficked and has been in a shopping mall zoo for the last 33 years living in horrific conditions just for human entertainment. Her cage is concrete with no grass, no trees and no sunshine. Her name means Little Lotus and we can not comprehend the loneliness she feels.
We are joining the fight to try and shut down Pata Zoo and relocate all of the animals so the world can ubiquitously not accept any form of wildlife trafficking. Celebrities such as Cher are working hard to try and finally free Buanoi and her friends. Shutting down Pata Zoo will be a global transformation symbol into the world we wish to live in.
Please add your voice with ours by signing the petition listed in the 'Did You Know' section on this page and sharing Buanoi's desperate story.
The film 'Stolen Apes - Buanoi' was made to raise awareness about her life and was screened at our film festival S.O.F.A Film Festival in 2020. You can now watch it via this page in the 'Did You Know' section.