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Year: 2022
Credentials: Was the smallest horse in the world and therapy animal to millions

Induction Ceremony Year: 2023




  • Peabody was deaf and so he touched everything with his tongue maybe for vibrations or to taste the sounds around him I don’t know. But it was pretty interesting to watch.

  • Peabody would go number 2 next to the toilet. Because horses don’t eat meat it was not offensive but



He may have only lived for 4 months and 1 week but Peabody was a force to be reckoned with. Born with crippled legs, a badly aligned jaw, completely deaf and with dwarfism, he so tiny he couldn’t reach to feed from his mother and grew to be the smallest horse in the world at 16 ½ inches tall.

​Doctors said he was too small to accomplish anything and would be a burden so ‘useless’ Peabody set out to prove them wrong. Adopted and raised by human parents Faith and Adam, who train miniature horses to become therapy animals, Peabody joined the ranks with grit and determination to become a HERO to over half a billion people worldwide.

​Millions tuned in to his social media to watch this tiny horse, who was fitted with special shoes, defy the odds, running through the house and grounds, lying on the king size bed, sleeping on the good rug in the dining room and chasing the French bulldogs that were just about his size, minus 15 lbs.

​Hundreds of letters a day would arrive from people around the world suffering from depression, polio, paralysation and pure loneliness who were influenced by the determination of little Peabody despite all his flaws to run and play; it gave them hope in themselves.

​Peabody always lifted the spirits of the people he met. He helped countless feel better while on his outings to senior care homes, hospitals, state fairs, fire stations and schools. Peabody was also invited to the court house; children would wait in the side room before going on the stand and giving testimony to the judge about their abuser, Peabody was their support and comfort.

​He shone on The Kelly Clarkson Show and the Fox Network two hour special The World Pet Games. He was invited to meet the famous Clydesdales of Budweiser. There were dozens of News broadcasts globally and a two page spread in Women’s World Magazine that sold out in the first week. He also appeared in 20 international interviews; over 44 counties clambered for airtime.

​On September 14th, 2021 at 5pm Peabody passed away from liver failure resulting in an outpouring of grief from his followers worldwide. With over 350 million social media hits this ‘insignificant’, tiny boy changed millions of lives with his determination, character, personality and confidence; an unforgettable legacy that the AHHOF will be honoured to help continue.

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